- DocStrings are Strings wrapped in double quotes
- Often docStrings are wrapped in triple quotes to allow the text to span more than one line in the file.
- Add comments to modules, classes, and functions.
- Add a comment for the module at the start of the file
- Add comments for each class after the class definition
- Add comments for each function after the function definition
""This is a single line docString""
"""This is a single line docString""" """This is a multi line docString"""
"""Module Hello World""" def helloWorld(Title, Body): """Create a non-modal popup window Title Title of the popup Body Body message of the popup""" def helloWorld(Title, Body): popup( Body, Title)
Extracting the library documentation requires another Sikuli project. It could be combined with the HelloWorld mainline, but it is not typical that library documentation would be created in the same project that uses the library (the documentation should pre-exist).
- Create a new Project ..\\..\\ParseInlineDocumentation.sikuli
- Add the base directory to the sys.path. Subdirectories are recursively added.
- import pydoc
- Extract the DocStrings for HelloWorldLib.py
- This creates the output documentation file "HelloWorldLib.html" in the Sikuli executable directory. Open
- Open the documentation. A command to do this automatically after generating the files is included in the parse script.
import pydoc
myScriptPath = "...\\ library path \\" if not myScriptPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(myScriptPath) import pydoc pydoc.writedoc("HelloWorldLib") # Note that spaces in the URL must be denoted by their escape sequence openApp("C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe file:///c:\Program%20Files\Sikuli%20X\HelloWorldLib.html")
The documentation will look like this: Hello World Inline Documentation
Further Reading:
Special thanks to RaiMan for his assistance with getting this working. Sikuli Help Question re PyDoc
Sikuli X-1.0rc3 (r905)
Sikuli X-1.0rc3 (r905)
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